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Name Catalog ID Qualitysort icon Material Purity Weight Mintage Year Value
The 150-th anniversary of Leo’s birth AM170CM1 Proof 0.925 33.6g 500 2010 €73
The 75-th anniversary of Leonid Yengibarov’s birth AM171CM1 Proof 0.925 33.6g 500 2010 €100
The 175-th anniversary of Raffi’s birth AM172CM1 Proof 0.9 8.6g 1000 2010 €350
The 125-th anniversary of Vahan Terian’s birth AM173CM1 Proof 0.9 8.6g 1000 2010 €350
The 1600-th anniversary of Movses Khorenatsi’s birth AM174CM1 Proof 0.925 33.6g 500 2010 €100
Armenia 2010 The 150-th anniversary of Vardges Sureniants’s birth The 150-th anniversary of Vardges Sureniants’s birth AM175CM1 Proof 0.925 28.28g 500 2010 €120
Chamomile AM176CM1 Proof 0.925 28.28g 10000 2010 €60
Jazz AM177CM1 Proof 0.925 28.28g 10000 2010 €80
The Battle of Grunwald. The 600th Anniversary UA507CM1 Proof 0.925 62.2g 5000 2010 €150
Spas UA510CM2 Proof 0.925 31.1g 10000 2010 €70
The Bosporan Kingdom UA512CM1 Proof 0.9 31.1g 3000 2010 €1350
Latvia 2010 The Latvian ABC Book Silver The Latvian ABC Book LV116CM2 Proof 0.925 31.47g 5000 2010 €59
Lunokhod - 1 KZ179CM1 Proof 0.925 41.4g 4000 2010 €90
Otag koteru (making the yurt) KZ180CM1 Proof 0.925 31.1g 5000 2010 €50
Traditional Musical Instruments MD120CM1 Proof 0.999 16.5g 500 2010 €90