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Name Catalog ID Quality Material Purity Weightsort icon Mintage Year Value
The Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Zhyrovichy BY210CM3 Proof 0.999 100g 150 2014 €3500
Sukleya`s home dog PMR144CM1 Proof-like 0.925 101.5g 5 2008
20 years of TransDniester Republic PMR180CM3 Proof-like 0.999 125.5g 20 2010 €4500
Building of the National Assembly AM35CM1 Proof 0.999 155g 300 1995 €150
Belarusian Ballet 2006 BY87CM3 Proof 0.999 155.5g 99 2006 €8000
Belarusian Ballet. 2007 BY99CM5 Proof 0.999 155.5g 99 2007 €8000
Figure Skating. Olympic games 2010 BY118CM2 Proof 0.999 155.5g 500 2008 €300
Armenian Statehood 10 AM65CM1 Proof 0.925 155.5g 200 2001 €250
Kingdom of Cilicia AM36CM1 Proof 0.999 155.5g 300 1995 €150
Arshakouni Kingdom AM37CM1 Proof 0.999 155.5g 300 1995 €150
Bagratouni Kingdom AM38CM1 Proof 0.999 155.5g 300 1995 €150
Artashesyan Kingdom AM40CM1 Proof 0.999 155.5g 300 1995 €150
White Stork BY140CM3 Proof-like 0.999 155.5g 500 2009 €400
Genealogical tree of Turkmenbashi TM139CM1 Proof 0.925 155.5g 500 2005 €505
The Olympic Games 2012. Handball BY154CM2 Proof 0.999 155.5g 800 2009 €220