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Name Catalog ID Qualitysort icon Material Purity Weight Mintage Year Value
Georgia 2000 3000th Anniversary of the Georgian Statehood CuNi 3000th Anniversary of the Georgian Statehood GE28CM1 BU 28.28g 2000 2000 €30
Aquarius BY149CM1 BU 13.16g 10000 2009 €11
Ivan Khrutsky BY165CM1 BU 0.925 28.28g 4000 2010 €75
Amerigo Vespucci BY176CM1 BU 13.16g 4000 2010 €10
Amerigo Vespucci BY176CM2 BU 0.925 28.28g 7000 2010 €55
The 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Kruty UA82CM2 BU 12.8g 50000 1998 €4.5
80 Years of Declaration of Ukrainian Republic Independence UA86CM2 BU 12.8g 50000 1998 €12
Ukraine 1998 100th Anniversary of Ascania Nova Reserve Nickel silver 100th Anniversary of Ascania Nova Reserve UA88CM2 BU 12.8g 10000 1998 €20
100 Years of Kyiv Polytechnical Institute UA92CM2 BU 12.8g 10000 1998 €30
500 Years of Magdeburg Right in Kyiv UA123CM1 BU 12.8g 50000 1999 €15
Ukraine 2000 125 Years of Chernivtzi State University 125 Years of Chernivtzi State University UA140CM1 BU 12.8g 50000 2000 €9
Ukraine 2004 Oleksander Dovzhenko Nickel silver Oleksander Dovzhenko UA256CM1 BU 12.8g 30000 2004 €4.5
Ukraine 2005 Serhiy Vsekhsviatsky Nickel silver Serhiy Vsekhsviatsky UA286CM1 BU 12.8g 20000 2005 €8
50 Years to the Kyivmiskbud UA289CM1 BU 12.8g 20000 2005 €4
Ukraine 2005 75 Years to Zhukovsky Aerospace University in Kharkiv Nickel silver 75 Years to Zhukovsky Aerospace University in Kharkiv UA291CM1 BU 12.8g 30000 2005 €10