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Name Catalog ID Quality Material Purity Weightsort icon Mintage Year Value
Alexander Bazhbeuk-Melikian-125 Alexander Bazhbeuk-Melikian-125 AM304CM1 BU 0.925 28.28g 500 2016 €70
The 150th anniversary of Arshak Fetvadjian's birth The 150th anniversary of Arshak Fetvadjian's birth AM305CM1 BU 0.925 28.28g 500 2016 €70
Latvia 2016 Fairy Tale Coin II. Hedgehog's Coat Fairy Tale Coin II. Hedgehog's Coat LV170CM1 Proof 0.925 28.28g 10000 2016 €50
XXXI Olympic games Rio 2016 XXXI Olympic games Rio 2016 LT153CM1 Proof 0.925 28.28g 7000 2016 €70
Estonia 2016 XXXI Olympiad in Rio de Janeiro XXXI Olympiad in Rio de Janeiro EE96CM1 Proof 0.925 28.28g 5000 2016 €45
Lithuania 2016 25th anniversary of the consolidation of independence 25th anniversary of the consolidation of independence LT154CM1 Proof 0.925 28.28g 4000 2016 €70
Kyrgyzstan 2016 1000th year anniversary of Zhusup Balasagyn 1000th year anniversary of Zhusup Balasagyn KG56CM1 Proof 0.925 28.28g 1000 2016 €70
Kyrgyzstan 2016 Fritillaria eduardii Regel (Aigul flower) Fritillaria eduardii Regel (Aigul flower) KG57CM1 Proof 0.925 28.28g 2000 2016 €55
Kyrgystan 2016 Lightly armed warrior of the Kyrgyz kaganate Silver Lightly armed warrior of the Kyrgyz kaganate KG58CM2 Proof-like 0.925 28.28g 1000 2016 €65
Turkmenistan 2016 25 years of Independence Turkmenistan Silver 25 years of Independence Turkmenistan TM217CM1 Proof 0.925 28.28g 2016 €150
Kyrgyzstan 2016 100th year anniversary of the Urkun 100th year anniversary of the national-liberation uprising of the 1916 KG61CM1 Proof 0.925 28.28g 1000 2016 €49
Latvia 2016 Christmas Battles Christmas Battles LV177CM1 Proof 0.925 28g 5000 2016 €65
Armenia 2016 The Cross with the Relics of Saint John the Baptist The Cross with the Relics of Saint John the Baptist AM308CM1 Proof 0.925 25g 2500 2016 €75
Armenia 2016 The Cross with the Relics of Saint George The Cross with the Relics of Saint George AM309CM1 Proof 0.925 25g 2500 2016 €75
Armenia 2016 Khotakerats Sourb Nshan Khotakerats Sourb Nshan AM310CM1 Proof 0.925 25g 2500 2016 €75