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Name Catalog ID Quality Material Purity Weightsort icon Mintage Year Value
Transnistria 2014 Alexander Ivanovich Lebed (1950-2002) Alexander Ivanovich Lebed (1950-2002) PMR213CM1 Proof-like 0.925 13.87g 1000 2014 €40
20 years to Mortgage bank PMR212CM1 Proof-like 0.925 13.87g 300 2014 €80
Lilium martagon PMR214CM1 Proof-like 0.925 13.87g 250 2014 €90
Belarus 2013 The 2014 World Ice Hockey Championship. Chyzhouka-Arena CuNi The 2014 World Ice Hockey Championship. Chyzhouka-Arena BY298CM1 Proof-like 13.16g 5000 2013 €15.5
Belarus 2014 Common cuckoo CuNi Common cuckoo BY304CM1 Proof-like 13.16g 4000 2014 €20
The Roman Catholic Church of St. John the Baptist The Roman Catholic Church of St. John the Baptist BY318CM1 Proof-like 13.16g 2000 2014 €19
Belarus 2014 Square-stemmed St. John’s-wort CuNi Square-stemmed St. John’s-wort 2014 BY296CM3 Proof-like 13.16g 2000 2014 €15.5
Belarus 2014 Least Moonwort CuNi Least Moonwort BY319CM1 Proof-like 13.16g 2000 2014 €17
Candle of Gratitude MD156CM1 Proof 0.999 13g 1000 2014 €50
20 years since the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova MD158CM1 Proof 0.999 13g 1000 2014 €45
Tamara Ciobanu – 100 years since birth MD162CM1 Proof 999 13g 500 2014 €45
Dumitru Matcovschi – 75 years since birth MD163CM1 Proof 0.999 13g 1000 2014 €45
Nicolae Milescu Spătarul MD161CM1 Proof 0.999 13g 500 2014 €45
Ukraine 2014 XXII Olympic Winter Games XXII Olympic Winter Games UA617CM1 BU 12.8g 15000 2014 €10
Ukraine 2014 Yevhen Berezniak Yevhen Berezniak UA620CM1 BU 12.8g 20000 2014 €8