
You are in our coin catalog. Coin catalog is not a coin shop. We do show values of coins in catalog just for informational purposes.

Name Catalog ID Qualitysort icon Material Purity Weight Mintage Year Value
Belarus 2009 The Nutcracker The Nutcracker BY148CM1 UNC 0.925 28.28g 25000 2009 €50
Aquarius BY149CM2 UNC 0.925 28.28g 25000 2009 €51
Azerbaijan 1996 500th anniversary of Mohammed Fizuli UNC 500th anniversary of Mohammed Fizuli UNC AZ14CM1 UNC 0.925 28.28g 5000 1996 €90
Athos BY160CM1 UNC 0.925 28.28g 10000 2009 €50
Porthos BY161CM1 UNC 0.925 28.28g 10000 2009 €50
Aramis BY162CM1 UNC 0.925 28.28g 10000 2009 €50
D'Artagnan BY163CM1 UNC 0.925 28.28g 10000 2009 €50
Coin of Time III LV118CM1 UNC 17.15g 7000 2010 €65
The Kecharis Cross-Stone AM201CM1 UNC 0.925 25g 2500 2011 €100
Sanahin Cross-Stone AM202CM1 UNC 0.925 25g 2500 2011 €100
The Goshavank Cross-Stone AM203CM1 UNC 0.925 25g 2500 2011 €100
Gndevank Cross-Stone AM204CM1 UNC 0.925 25g 2500 2011 €100
The Etchmiadzin Cross-Stone AM205CM1 UNC 0.925 25g 2500 2011 €100
The Noravank Cross-Stone AM206CM1 UNC 0.925 25g 2500 2011 €100
Libra BY270CM1 UNC 0.925 28.28g 7777 2013 €60